WYV Sponsor a Singer Scheme

Wellington Young Voices staff work hard to ensure every child who wishes to join WYV Choir receives the support they need. Sometimes this means assistance with the payment of the term fees we need to charge for our running costs. We work hard to keep these as low as we can. There are sponsorships available, through our WYV Sponsor a Singer Scheme, to cover some or all of these fees, depending on what donations we have received. However, we have never turned a child away on these grounds. Usually sponsorship is term by term unless you are informed otherwise when accepted. This always depends on our donors. Wellington Young Voices is very grateful to receive donations from choir families and the wider community.



Apply for Sponsorship

If you would like to apply for sponsorship for your child’s choir fees, please get in touch with us, by clicking on the button below. All applications to the Administrator are treated in confidence.


Make a Donation

If you would like to donate to our WYV Sponsor a Singer Scheme, to help support a child’s choir fees for a term ($165), half a year ($330), or a full year ($570), please fill in the form below.

Our preferred method of payment is online banking to:

Account Name:          Wellington Young Voices Inc.

Account Number:      38-9012-0863410-00

Reference:                  Name and SAS Donation

Wellington Young Voices is a registered charity (CC48918). All donations to WYV Choir are tax-deductible and a receipt will be issued.